Jordan Valley Archaeological Survey

This overview page provides a list of the sites included in the BibleWalks archaeological survey of the Jordan Valley and its surrounding vicinity.

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The Sites
Reseacrh projects
Links and References


Starting in May 2022, Biblewalks has embarked on an extensive survey of the Jordan River and its surrounding environs. The goal of this endeavor is to meticulously examine the ancient sites nestled in this region and subsequently share our discoveries through our website. Despite its historical significance, this area has remained relatively unexplored by archaeologists.

Encompassing the Jordan and Beit-Shean valleys, the northeast hill area of Samaria, as well as the eastern sectors of the lower Galilee and Jezreel valley, our survey encompasses a broad geographical scope.

Our dedicated team, spearheaded by archaeologist Ayelet Keidar-Goldberg from the IAA and the Hebrew University, alongside Yoram and Roni Hofman, is at the forefront of this initiative. Our survey activities are conducted on a weekly basis, specifically on Friday mornings. Following these field excursions, we diligently process the findings and subsequently share them with the public through our website and our YouTube channel. This approach ensures that our discoveries are made accessible to a wider audience, fostering a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural significance of the sites we explore.

The sites:

The following table shows the date of survey, the surveyed sites, and a link to their publication on or to Biblewalks’ YouTube channel.


Survey Date Site Name Published page/YouTube
1 28/11/21 Kh. el Judeidah (H. Geduda) YouTube
2 7/5/22 Ein Hanaziv tombs
Tel Nissa Tel Nissa
3 20/5/22 Tel Nissa (2nd visit) Tel Nissa
Tel Eshtori Tel Eshtori
Kfar Ruppin sites: Kfar Ruppin ford crossing
  ‘Artal Tel ‘Artal page
  Karpas  Kfar Ruppin
  Halashon  Kfar Ruppin
  Zarom  Kfar Ruppin
Kataf  Kfar Ruppin
Masad  Kfar Ruppin
4 3/6/22 Tel Hammath Tel Hammath page
Tel Menorah Horvat Menorah
Tel Shalem Tel Shalem
Tel Shkafim Horvat Menorah
5 10/6/22 Tel Teomim You Tube
Muntar esh Shukk esh Shukk
Kh. Esh Shakk esh Shukk
6 16/7/22 Kh. Mahallal YouTube
Kh. el Mallaqe
Kh. Umm Ghazal esh Shukk valley
7 5/8/22 Tel Abu Sus, Sakut Abu Sus and Sakut
Kh el Marma YouTube
Tel Gamma Tel Gamma
Tel Tsaf Tel Tsaf
Tel Rehob -burnt Rehob
8 12/8/22 Jebel Khimyar YouTube
Wadi Malih Hwy 90 YouTube
Nimrod Tel Nimrod
Tel Midrash Madrassa  Tel Midrash
Tel Malqet (Tell Molikat) Tell Molikat
Karpas North Kfar Ruppin
9 20/8/22 Tel Zemed Tel Zemed
Tel Ro’eh (Tell er Ra’yan) Tel Ro’eh
Tel Saharon Saharon
10 2/9/22 Qa’un Kh. Qaun
11 9/9/22 Tell el Firr, Shamot Horvat Shamot, Hefziba
Kh. el Bawti Horvat Baat
Tel Issachar Tel Issachar
Khirbet Kita
Horvat Ziwan Horvat Ziwan
Tel Kittan Tel Kitan
12 23/9/22 Horvat Ziwan Horvat Ziwan
13 7/10/22 Horvat Zavon YouTube
Horvat Sheti YouTube
Tel Ein Haddah Tel Ein Haddah
14 17/10/22 Mt Saul Saul’s Shoulder
Givat Yonathan
15 28/10/22 Kh. Ein Bedriyeh
Tel Yakush Tabor Delta Crossing
Tel Zan Tabor Delta Crossing
Tel Shoshan Tabor Delta Crossing
16 25/11/22 Tell el Firr, Shamot  Horvat Shamot, Hefziba
Horbat Minha Minha
17 2/12/22 Horbat Minha Minha
Horvat Adamah YouTube
Tel Adamah
18 12/12/22 Gesher prehistoric
Horvat Ziwan Horvat Ziwan
19 19/12/22 Horbat Minha  Minha
Dalhamiya Dalhamiya
20 30/12/22 Horvat Hagal YouTube
21 6/1/23 Murasus
Yebla YouTube
22 27/1/23 es Suwede Roman camp YouTube
Khirbet Mufye YouTube
23 3/2/23 Khan el Akhmar
Tel Malluah Tel Malluah
Kataf Ruppin river crossing
Mosque of the 40
24 17/2/23 Horvat Shahot YouTube
Esh Sheikha ascent
Horvat Gvul
25 3/3/23 Yonathan Hill
Givat Hazavim, Jordan valley
Beit Shean (dump)
Horvat Rodem
26 10/3/23 Tel Rechov (east) Tel Rechov
Kh. Mahruk Makhruk
Tel Dubleka
Ein Hilu Hilu
Tel Hilu YouTube
27 17/3/23 Kh. Beka Dalhamiya Dalhamiya
Tel Ein Gev
Tel Iztaba YouTube
28 24/3/23 Horvat Menorim Menorim
29 2/4/23 Kh. Zivan Horvat Ziwan
30 22/4/23 Tel Kedesh Tel Kedesh
31 12/5/23 Poriyah Tower Round Tower
Horvat Zeev
Ein Shakhal Ein Shakhal
32 9/6/23 Huga
Tel Shlavim
33 16/6/23 Horvat Migda Migda
Qa’un North Qaun
Mifrechet HaTamar
34 30/6/23 Horvat Migda – ridge Migda
Metzad Avinadav YouTube
35 20/7/23 Horvat Geduda YouTube
Givat Huhit ruin
36 23/7/23 Harod spring Harod Spring
37 27/7/23 Mt. Barkan YouTube
38 4/8/23 Horvat Fakuit YouTube
39 11/8/23 Horvat Fakuit YouTube
Mt Akhinoam, Gilboa
Mt Izpor, Gilboa
40 25/8/23 Horvat Adashim
Tel Adashim
Kh. Mazra
Tel Yifar (el-Phar) Tel Yifar
41 02/09/2023 Malkishua’s cave YouTube
Tel Shkafim Horvat Menorah
Tel Zalafim Horvat Menorah
Kefar Karnayim  Horvat Menorah
42 08/09/2023 Ner (south)
Pisga 522
Horvat Mazarim Horvat Mazarim
43 22/09/2023 Horvat Mazarim Horvat Mazarim
Old Tel Yosef YouTube
44 25/09/2023 Tel Jezreel Tel Jezreel
Nuris Nurit
45 29/09/2023 Rechaniya tombs
Tel Nissa Tel Nissa
Tel Artal Tel Artal
Tel Tsaf Tel Tsaf
Tel Gamma Tel Gamma
46 3/11/2023 Tel Nissa Tel Nissa
Tel Eshtori Tel Eshtori
Tel Midrash Madrasa Tel Midrash
Tel Nimrod Tel Nimrod
Tel Zofim Tel Zofim
47 10/11/2023 Kh. Beka Dalhamiya Kh. Beka Dalhamiya
Ein Shakhal A Ein Shakhal
48 17/11/2023 Ein Shakhal B Ein Shakhal
Ein Shakhal C Ein Shakhal
Kh. Aklawi
49 24/11/2023 Tel Nissa (survey) Tel Nissa
50 26/11/2023 Tel Nissa (survey) Tel Nissa
51   1/12/2023 Tel Nissa (survey)  Tel Nissa
Tel Zan Tel Zan
Horbat Minha Minha
52 8/12/2023 Horvat Geduda YouTube
Tel Temes
Tel Bezul
Tel Iztaba YouTube
54 22/12/2023 Tel Yizreel Tel Yizreel
Kedesh (near Megiddo)
Winepresses near Zububa Winepresses
Leon fortress (near Megiddo)
55 29/12/2023 Kh. Hamam (Beit Shean)
Horbat Minha Minha
Tel Shoshan Tabor Delta Crossing
Tel Mofaz
56 16/2/2024 Beit Alfa Archaeological Museum
Merchavia  Crusader castle
Tel Shunem
57 1/3/2024 Khirbet Kara
Givat Bolek
Tel Shalem Tel Shalem
Tel Hammath Tel Hammath
58 15/3/2024 Tel Zan Tel Zan
Horvat Kush Horvat Kush
59 29/3/2024 Horvat Kush Horvat Kush
Horvat Anin
Khirbet a Dir Horvat A-Dir
60 5/4/2024 Giva’at Gamal, Gesher
Horvat Hagal YouTube
Horvat Hardon
Horvat Melachat (Sh. el Muweilihat)
Sh.Muzeughit Mizpe Elot
61-64 12/4-25/4/2024 Tel Nissa – excavation Excavation
65 3/5/2024 Yemma
Tel Beit Jene (Beit Gan)
Tel Adami Tel Adami
66 7/6/2024 Tel Kittan Tel Kittan
Tel Zofim  Tel Zofim
Tel Artal Tel Artal
Tel Nimrod B  Tel Nimrod
67 21/6/2024 Horvat Zahavi
Horbat Minha Minha
Tel Shaharit
68 5/7/2024 Tel Tahash
Tel Shaharit
Dalhamiya Dalhamiya
Tel Kittan Tel Kittan
Neve Ur East Neve Ur East
69 26/7/2024 Tel Artal Tel Artal
Tirat Zvi Tirat Zvi
Sde Eliyahu
70 2/8/2024 Tel Ishmael
Kh. el Bawti Horvat Baat
Tel Iztaba YouTube
Kyria Maria Convent, Iztaba
71 9/8/2024 Wadi el Khuneizir
Kh. el Bawti (Baat) Horvat Baat
Et Tuwal  South of Hamadia
72 16/8/2024 Tel Shalem Tel Shalem
Horvat Ne’etar
73 30/8/2024 Wadi Malih Hwy 90 YouTube
Tell Ed Deir, Buleibil Aenon
74 6/9/2024 Horvat Migda Migda
‘Ain Deir spring Aenon
Umm el Amdan Aenon
75 13/9/2024 Tel Malqet Tell Molikat
Tel Shalem Tel Shalem
Tel Amal (Sakhne) Tel Amal
76 20/9/2024 Horvat Kush Horvat Kush
Lower Beitanyah farm
77 27/09/2024 Horvat Shemesh
Kh. Ayun Horeah
Horvat A-Dir Horvat A-Dir
78 08/11/2024 Horvat Kush Horvat Kush
79 22/11/2024 Horvat A-Dir Horvat A-Dir
80 20/12/2024 Kh. Badriyeh
Tel Ubeidiya Ubeidiya
81 24/12/2024 Horvat Hardon
Horvat A-Dir Horvat A-Dir
Horvat Kush Horvat Kush
Ubeidiya prehistoric site Ubeidiya
Horbat Minha Minha
82 27/12/2024 Tel Issachar Tel Issachar
Horvat Rechov
Sugar factory, H. Rechov
83 3/1/2025 Tel Issachar Tel Issachar
Horvat Ziwan Horvat Ziwan
84 8/1/2025 Tel Rechov Tel Rechov
Horvat Kush Horvat Kush
Tell Dalhamiya Dalhamiya
Horvat A-Dir Horvat A-Dir
Tel Issachar Tel Issachar
85 14/2/2025 Tel ‘Artal  Tel Artal
Tel Karpas Tel  Karpas
86 28/02/2025 Horvat Hardon
Horvat A-Dir Horvat A-Dir
Horvat Kush Horvat Kush
87 21/03/2025 Horvat Melahat
Mizpe Elot Mizpe Elot
88 28/03/2025 Horvat Kush Horvat Kush

This list will grow…


(c) Excavations

The first excavation of Tel Nissa (Tell el-Manshiya) has been approved, one of the outcomes of BibleWalks Jordan Valley survey. It is headed by the distinguished archaeologists Professor Emeritus Amihai Mazar (Hebrew University), Dr. Yoav Vaknin (Tel Aviv University) and Archaeologist Ayelet Goldberg -Keidar (Hebrew University). A polygon survey was be conducted on Nov 24 and 26 2023.  The first dig is planned for spring 2024 (see details).

Prof. Mazar is one of the most senior experts on Biblical Archaeology, and among his major projects are the Beth Shean Valley Archaeological Project and the excavation and publications of Tel Beit Shean and Tel Rechov. Doctor Yoav Vaknin specializes on archaeomagnetic dating of mud bricks, which will help to determine the destruction time of the site.

Below – The BibleWalks team who participated in the polygons field survey (left to right) – Hofman brothers Amnon, Ofer, Yoram and Ronnie. The turquoise shirts are of the Jordan Valley Archaeological Survey project operated by BibleWalks.

(d) Research Projects

Another positive outcome of the BibleWalks Jordan Valley survey initiative is a new survey permit that was granted by the IAA on February 23, 2025 to Ayelet Keidar on behalf of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  (Permit# S-1386/2025).

The purpose of this survey is for a study of the Iron age fortresses that were positioned along the Bronze/Iron age roads ascending from the valley. The sites include Tel Issachar, Horvat A-Dir, Horvat Ziwan, Horvat Hardon, Horvat Kush.

Links and References:

* References:

* Internal:

This page was last updated on Mar 28, 2025 (add visit) – “Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it…” (Genesis 13:17)

Migda<<<—previous Jordan Valley site—<<< All Sites>>> — Next site—>>>Horvat Menorah


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