New Page: Kiriath Jearim

New site was added in Judea region:

The Biblical place of Tel Kir’yat Ye’arim in Abu Ghosh, and the Monastery of the Ark of Covenant on top of the hill.

–> Read more about Kiriath Jearim.






New Page: Horvat Midras

A new site was added:

A large archaeological site in the Judean Shephelah region, with remains of a rich Early Roman period rural settlement and a Byzantine church.

-> Read more about Horvat Midras




New page: Horvat Ethri

A new site was added in Judea region:  Horvat Ethri

  Ruins of an Early-Roman Jewish rural village in the Judean foothills region, south of the valley of Elah. The remains include residential houses, cisterns, several ritual baths (Miqveh), ancient synagogue, wine presses and other farming installations.

More: Visit the site




New page: Tel Yarmut

Tel Yarmut (Jarmuth) is a major Early Bronze II-III period city, located on a vast mound overlooking Ramat Beit Shemesh. A monumental Early Bronze III palace was exposed on the lower city. Occupation continued 1000 years later on the upper city during the Late Bronze and Iron Age periods, and was one of the Amorite cities that attempted to block Joshua and the Israelites.

>> Visit the Tel Yarmut site.




New Page: Tel Rekhesh

A new site was added:

Tel Rekhesh (Rechesh) is the largest Biblical mound in the lower Galilee, with remains of multi-period Canaanite and Israelite cities and an Early Roman farmstead.

Visit the site:  Tel Rekhesh


New Page – Berniki hill

New site added – Ruins of a 8th century church located on Mt. Berniki (Berenice), high above the Roman city of Tiberias. Nicknamed ‘the Anchor Church’ based on a relic stone found embedded in its apse.

  Visit the site of Berniki hill in Tiberias.



New Page – Karm er-Ras

New site added –

    Karm er-Ras is possible location of Jesus’s first miracle – turning water to wine. The site is located near the traditional place in Kafr Kanna.

Visit the site of Karm er-Ras

