Interactive map of the sites featured in the Lower Galilee sites group.
Home > Sites > Lower Galilee > Maps
The sites of the Lower (southern) Galilee are marked on the Google satellite/road map. Hover over the marker to see the title, and press on the marker to jump to that site’s review. Select Map or Satellite display.
A table of sites appear below it; selecting any row will jump to its marker on the map.
The colored markers on the map stand for the classes of sites:
● Blue = Old Testament
● Red = New Testament
● Purple= other ancient periods,
● Green= prehistoric, nature
● Yellow= regional galleries
Sites of the Lower Galilee

Beit Kerem sites
Regional sites

Carmel sites
Regional sites

Geva (Gaba)
Old Testament

Hilazon valley sites
Regional sites

Horvat Ammudim

Karm er-Ras
New Testament

Kh. Beer Sheba

Khirbet Cana
New Testament

Kishon River

Lower Galilee sites
Regional sites

Nazareth sites Gallery
Regional sites




Tel Adami
Old Testament

Tel Hannathon
Old Testament

Tel Par & Kh. Ibtin
Old Testament

Tel Regev
Old Testament

West Galilee Region
Regional sites

West Nahal Zippori
Old Testament
Load More
- Lower Galilee sites
- Map of all regions – walk with us through the sites of the Holy Land
This page was last updated on Feb 15, 2020 (new Google maps)
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