- Abel Beth Maacah
- About
- Abraham’s Well
- Abu Ghosh Crusaders church
- Abu Sus and Sakut river crossing
- Acre lighthouse
- Acre – Byzantine city
- Acre – sites map
- Acre (Akko) Aqueduct
- Acre (Akko) – Overview
- Acre (Akko) – Sites Gallery
- Acre: Khan Al-Umdan
- Acre: Knights Halls
- Acre: port
- Acre: St. Andrews Church
- Acre: St. George Church
- Acre: St. John Church
- Acre: Templars tunnel
- Acre: The Citadel
- Adam Bridge
- Adullam – the cave where David hid
- Aenon near Salim
- Aerial views (Page 1)
- Aerial views (Page 2)
- Afek in the Sharon (Antipatris)
- Afek (of Galilee)
- Akhbara
- Allon Road, Samaria
- Al Majadele Mosque, Acre
- Al-Aqsa mosque, Jerusalem
- Ancient Games
- Ancient Nahalal and Khirbet Ma’alul
- Apollonia
- Aqueducts in the Holy Land
- Arbel
- Arbel Cliff
- Arches Pool, Ramla
- Ark of Covenant
- Armaggedon – Har Megiddo – The last battle
- Armenian church, Mount Zion – St. Saviour (the house of Caiaphas)
- Armenian Monastery, Ramla
- Artabba Fortress
- Arumah
- Ashdod Maritime
- Ashdod – Overview
- Ateret Fortress
- Atlit
- Augusta Victoria
- Avdat – The desert city on the Incense route
- Avdon (Abdon)
- Azekah – high above the valley of Elah
- Bahai sites, Acre
- Balfouria – Tel Yifar
- Banias Crusader City
- Banias Roman/Byzantine City
- Banias Temples – Sanctuary of Pan
- Banias – Caesarea Philippi – Overview page
- Banias (Hermon) Stream
- Basilica of Agony – Gethsemane
- Basilica of Annunciation
- Beer Sheba (of the Galilee)
- Beit Alpha – Ancient Synagogue and Zodiac mosaic
- Beit El – Jacob’s dream
- Beit Jamal Monastery
- Beit Jann – Biblical Beth Dagon?
- Beit Kerem and Hilazon map
- Beit Kerem and Karmi’el – Sites Gallery
- Beit Shearim
- Beit She’an – at night
- Beit She’an – Scythopolis
- Beit Yerach
- Belvoir fortress
- BenGurion airport Mosaics
- Benjamin’s Tomb
- Berniki Hill
- Bethesda pools
- BethLehem (Galilee)
- Bethsaida
- Bethsaida et-Tell – Ancient coins
- Be’erotai’im – “Two wells”
- Biar Tunnel
- BibleWalks Contributor – Rina
- BibleWalks Maps
- Bible Searches
- Biblical articles
- Biblical Tamar
- Biblical Water systems
- Birds of the Holy Land
- Bokek
- Broad Wall – 8th century BC defense
- Burj el Maleh
- Burnt House
- Byzantine Monks of the Judean Desert
- Caesarea Aqueduct
- Caesarea Maritime
- Capernaum – The town of Jesus
- Cardo Maximus, Jerusalem
- Carmelite Monastery, Stella Maris
- Carmel Caves – Early Man site
- Carmel sites map
- Carmel – Sites Gallery
- Castel
- Catacombs in Beit Shearim
- Central Drainage Canal, Siloam to Temple mount
- Chapel of Ascension, Mt. Olives
- Christ Church, Nazareth
- Church of Holy Sepulchre
- Church of the Glorious Martyr
- Church of the Redeemer
- City of David
- Columbarium
- Condemnation Church
- Contact
- Copper Smelting in Aravah
- Crusaders sites Map
- Dalhamiya
- Dan – the Canaanite (Bronze Age) city
- Dan – the High Place complex
- Dan – the Israelite city
- Dan – the Nature Reserve
- Dead Sea
- Dead Sea map
- Dead Sea Works
- Dead Sea – Sites Gallery
- Deborah & Barak
- Deir Qal’a
- Deir Samaan
- Dolmens – prehistoric megalith tombs
- Dome of the Rock shrine, Jerusalem
- Dominus Flevit – “The Lord has wept”
- Domus Galilaeae
- Dormition Abbey, Jerusalem
- Dung (Ashpoth) Gate
- Earthquakes in the Holy Land
- Eben Ezer (Izbet Zarta)
- Ed-Dikke
- Eilat – the southern city on the red sea
- Ein Bubin, Dolev
- Ein Dor
- Ein Gedi, Oasis in the Judean desert
- Ein HaYadid
- Ein Kerem (Ein Karem) – Overview
- Ein Shakhal
- Ein Tamir and Nahal Kziv stream
- Elah Roman Road
- Elijah site game – Finish
- Elijah site game – step 1
- Elijah site game – step 3
- Elijah – the Prophet
- Elijah’s Cave, Carmel
- Elon Moreh
- El Araj – Bethsaida alternative location
- El-Janab Cave
- El-Khader cave
- Emmaus – Nikopolis – Hasmonean period fortress
- Emmaus – Nikopolis – Overview
- Emmaus – Nikopolis – Roman Bath
- Emmaus – Nikopolis – The Churches
- Emmaus – Nikopolis – Valley of Springs
- Emmaus – Nikopolis – Winepresses
- Em HaKshatot
- Esh-Shakk valley site
- Etymology – Behind the name of people
- Euthymius Monastery
- Extreme Sports in Biblical sites
- Galilee News
- Gamal Hill, Ramon
- Gamla – The Masada of the Golan
- Gath -Tel Tzafit
- Gaza
- Geva Shemen (Tell Me’ammer)
- Gezer Boundary Inscriptions
- Gihon Spring, City of David
- Gilboa sites
- Gilgal – Argaman
- Gilgal (Sharon) – Jaljulia
- Givat HaArbaa – Hill of the Four
- Giv’ati Excavations
- Giv’at Hamatos – Airplane Hill
- Giv’at Yehonathan
- Glossary – dictionary of terms, subjects, names
- Golan – Sites Gallery
- Golan – sites Maps
- Golden Gate
- Greek Catholic Church, Nazareth
- Greek Initials
- Greek Orthodox Church, Capernaum
- Greek-Orthodox St. John in Ein Kerem
- Haifa
- Halamish – Neveh Tzuf
- Hammat Gader
- Hammat Tiberias
- Harod Spring
- Har Brakha – Mount of Blessing
- Har Gamal
- Har Yeruham
- Hasmonean and Herodian Jericho
- Ha-Bonim
- Hemet Cistern
- Herodion – the castle and tomb of King Herod
- Hiding Complexes
- Hilazon creek – Sites Gallery
- Hilazon (Chilazon) – snail creek – Overview
- Hippos (Sussita)
- Holy city of Hebron
- Holy Land sites review
- Holy Nazareth sites
- Horkania – the desert fortress
- Horns of Hattin
- Horvat Aner – Neby Annir
- Horvat Anim
- Horvat A-Dir
- Horvat Baat
- Horvat Dur
- Horvat Ethri
- Horvat Gamum
- Horvat Geres
- Horvat Halukim
- Horvat Hanut, Judean Hills
- Horvat Hemed
- Horvat Kanaf
- Horvat Kerioth
- Horvat Kush
- Horvat Lavnin
- Horvat Mazarim
- Horvat Menorah, Tirat Zvi
- Horvat Midras
- Horvat Oren
- Horvat Qisi
- Horvat Rebbo
- Horvat Ritma
- Horvat Shua
- Horvat Zakkur
- Horvat Ziwan
- Horvat Zonem
- Horvat ‘Eli
- Hummus in Acre
- Hunin Fortress
- Hurvat Kav (Qav, Qabu), Karmi’el
- Hurvat Zagag, Karmi’el
- Jabal Munttar – “‘Azazel”
- Jaffa
- Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem
- Jaffa – Port
- Jaffa – Sebil Abu Nabbut
- Jaffa – Simon the Tanner
- Jaffa – St. George
- Jaffa – St. Peter’s
- Jaffa – The Ancient Mound (Tell Yafo)
- Jaffa – The Station
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem Light Show – 2014
- Jerusalem Light Show 2010
- Jerusalem News
- Jerusalem Sebils
- Jerusalem Videos
- Jerusalem – Roman roads
- Jerusalem – Roman streets
- Jerusalem – Sites Gallery
- Jerusalem – Sites Map
- Jesus Boat – an ancient Galilee boat
- Jesus Footsteps – 100 events in 1000 days
- Jesus Travels – sites Maps
- Jesus – Overview
- Jesus’ Table church (Mensa Christi)
- Jethro’s Cairn
- Jiser e-Zarka
- Job’s spring and cave
- Jordan Valley Archaeological Survey
- Jordan Valley Map
- Jordan Valley – Sites Gallery
- Jordan-Jericho
- Joseph Lookout on Mt. Gerizim
- Joshua’s Altar, Mt. Ebal
- Judea Maps
- Judea – Sites Gallery
- Karmi’el sites – overview
- Karm er-Ras (Cana of Galilee?)
- Kathisma, Jerusalem
- Kavul and Damun
- Kebara Prehistoric Cave
- Kedesh Naphtali, Upper Galilee – Overview
- Kedesh – The Biblical city
- Kedesh – The Roman city
- Kefar Hannania
- Kefar Sorek
- Keren Carmel (Mukhraka)
- Keshet Cave
- Kfar Ruppin ford crossing
- Khali
- Khan el-Hilu, Lod (Lydda)
- Khirbet Bata, Karmi’el
- Khirbet Beit-Uriya
- Khirbet Beza
- Khirbet Cana
- Khirbet Dubbah
- Khirbet el-Hamam
- Khirbet el-Qutt
- Khirbet Fachir, Hilazon creek
- Khirbet Harithiya (Geva Parashim)
- Khirbet Heshek – a Byzantine church in Tefen area
- Khirbet Kabra (Qabra), Karmi’el
- Khirbet Kenes, Karmi’el
- Khirbet Madrasah, Karmi’el
- Khirbet Makhruk
- Khirbet Masref – a Roman fishermen village
- Khirbet Matta and Ein Tannur, Judean Hills
- Khirbet Mehoz – ruins of a Roman/Byzantine village
- Khirbet Minya – Horvat Minnim
- Khirbet Ofrat
- Khirbet Qarta (Dustrey)
- Khirbet Rosh Zayit – The Biblical Cabul?
- Khirbet Sarra
- Khirbet Seraf – A Tel on the southern side of Betzet Creek
- Khirbet Sharta
- Khirbet Shimshit
- Khirbet Suggar – A Roman/Byzantine village
- Khirbet Tefen – the fortress in the upper Beit Haemek brook
- Khirbet Yattir (Jattir)
- Khirbet ‘Alya
- Khorvat Ammudim
- Kh. al-Ra’i
- Kh. Danaila
- Kh. Dir Baal
- Kh. esh-Shuna (Ramathaim Zophim?)
- Kh. Jibeit (Giv’it)
- Kh. Jumjum
- Kh. Kankuza
- Kh. Katzrin
- Kh. Kilya, Rimonim
- Kh. Majduliyah – an Early Roman settlement
- Kh. Marjameh
- Kh. Sahar (Sireh)
- Kh. Samiya
- Kh. Tililiya, Ramot
- Kida settlement
- King David’s harp bridge
- Kiriath Jearim
- Kishon River
- Korazim – Chorazin
- Kursi – the largest Byzantine Monastery
- Magdala
- Makhtesh Ramon
- Mamshit Churches
- Mamshit – Market and Nabatu House
- Mamshit – Nabatean city
- Mamshit – Water Works
- Manot – A Roman/Crusaders village
- Martyrius Monastery
- Mary’s spring in Ein Kerem
- Mary’s Tomb
- Mary’s Well
- Mar Elias Monastery, Jerusalem
- Mar Saba Monastery
- Masada
- Mashabei Sadeh
- Mazor Mausoleum
- Ma’ale Akrabim (Scorpions Ascent)
- Michmash
- Migdal Afek (Tsedek)
- Migdal Haemek
- Migdal Malcha
- Miqveh installations
- Mizpe Elot
- Mi’ilya – Oil press
- Mi’ilya (King’s castle)
- Monastery of the Cross
- Montfort – the remote Crusaders castle
- Mosaics of Sepphoris
- Mosaic floors
- Moshe Dayan
- Most Popular sites
- Mount Gerizim
- Mount of Beatitudes
- Mount of Olives
- Mount Precipice, Nazareth
- Mount Tabor
- Mount Tabor – ancient structures
- Mount Tabor – Franciscan Monastery
- Mount Tabor – Greek-Orthodox Monastery
- Mount Tabor – Hang Gliding
- Mount Zin (Mount Hor)
- Mount Zion
- Mo’a
- Mt Eldad fort
- Mt Gilboa Archaeological Survey
- Mt Karkom
- Mt. Poriya
- Mt. Shifon
- Mud Bricks
- Muristan area in the Christian quarter
- Nabatean Sites Map
- Naburiya
- Nahal Arugot brook, Judea desert
- Nahal David stream, Ein Gedi, Judea desert
- Nahal Hever brook
- Nahal Ilan, Judean Hills
- Nahal Sekhakha
- Nahariyah
- Nahef (Nahf)
- Naim (Nein, Nin)
- National Mosaics in the Basilica of Annunciation
- Nazareth – Maps
- Nazareth – Sites Gallery
- Nebi Musa – Tomb of Moses
- Nebi Samuel
- Nebi Samuel – Crusaders period
- Nebi Samuel – Hasmonean period
- Nebi Samuel – Ottoman/British period
- Negev Maps
- Negev – Sites Gallery
- New Gate – Jerusalem
- Ne’iel – Tell Ya’anin
- Nimrod fortress
- Nitzana Cave and Nabatean ancient desert farming
- Nitzana Hillocks – Nature’s wonderland
- Nitzana / Nessana – Byzantine desert frontier city
- Nurit
- Rachel’s Tomb
- Ramat Rachel
- Ramat-Boker fortress
- Ramla Khan
- Ramla (Overview)
- Ramon crater – saw mill and colored sand
- Readers’ Feedback
- Red Tower
- References
- Religions in the history of Israel and the region
- Roman roads
- Roman Roads – Golan heights
- Roman road near Usha
- Roman streets
- Rosh Hanikra – The north-west border post
- Rujm el-Hiri
- Russian Convent, Ein Kerem
- Russian Orthodox Convent of the Ascension
- Sabbath stone in Timrat
- Samaria Map
- Samaria (city)
- Samaria (Shomron) – Sites Gallery
- Sanhedria
- Saul’s Shoulder – Gilboa
- Sea of Galilee – Map
- Sea of Galilee – Overview
- Sea of Galilee – Sites Gallery
- Second Temple – Gates
- Sekhakha (Secacah) in Karem es-Samra
- Sepphoris – the great city of the lower Galilee
- Shaaraim – “Two gates” – in Khirbet Qeiyafa
- Sharon – Sites Gallery
- Sharon – sites Maps
- Sharuhen
- Shavey-Zion – Church and Tel
- Shefaram
- Shefaram Tombs
- Shefela maps
- Shefela – Sites Gallery
- Shiloah (Siloam) Pool
- Shiloh
- Shiloh Altars
- Shivta – The desert city on the Incense route
- Siah brook – ruins of a Carmelite Monastery
- Sisters Nazareth
- Sisters of Our Lady Of Zion, Ein Kerem
- sites
- Sites galleries
- Sites games
- Sites List
- Sites of Ashkelon City
- Sites Overview
- Site game – step 2
- Site of the Month
- Site of the Month – 2007
- Site of the Month – 2008
- Site of the Month – 2009
- Site of the Month – 2010
- Site of the Month – 2011
- Site of the Month – 2012
- Site of the Month – 2013
- Site of the Month – 2014
- Site of the Month – 2015
- Site of the Month – 2016
- Site of the Month – 2017
- Site of the Month – 2018
- Site of the Month – 2019
- Skull Cave, Amud stream
- Small Crater – Makhtesh Hakatan
- Sochoh – In the Valley of Elah
- Sodom Caves
- Solomon’s Pillars (Mines)
- Southern Wall
- Stella Maris
- St. Andrew’s Scottish Church
- St. Anna
- St. Gabriel Greek Orthodox Church, Nazareth
- St. George Koziba, Wadi Qelt
- St. George, Lod (Lydda)
- St. Gerassimos monastery
- St. James, Armenian section
- St. John in Ein Kerem
- St. John the Baptist, Christian quarter
- St. Joseph Church
- St. Peter
- St. Peter in Gallicantu
- Sultan’s Pool, Jerusalem
- Synagogue Church, Nazareth
- Tabcha (Tabgha)
- Table of Contents
- Tabor Delta Crossing
- Taibe in the Galilee
- Tancred fortress
- Tarbenet – Roman/Byzantine village in Jezreel valley
- Tell Beit Mirsim
- Tell Kassis
- Tell Migda’
- Tell Qaqun
- Tell Sheikh edh Dhiab
- Tell Ubeidiya
- Tell Zavat (Subat)
- Tel Achziv
- Tel Adami
- Tel Akko (Biblical site of Acre)
- Tel Amal – Sakhne
- Tel Arad
- Tel Aro’er of Judea
- Tel Ashkelon
- Tel BeerSheba
- Tel Beit She’an
- Tel Beth Shemesh
- Tel Bira
- Tel Burna
- Tel Dan
- Tel Dor
- Tel Dothan
- Tel Ein Haddah
- Tel Eshtori, Nimrod, Midrash, Zofim
- Tel Esur
- Tel Gador
- Tel Gamma
- Tel Gezer
- Tel Goren
- Tel Hadar
- Tel Hadid
- Tel Hammath
- Tel Hannathon
- Tel Haror
- Tel Hazor – “Head of all those Kingdoms”
- Tel Hefer
- Tel Issachar
- Tel Iztabba
- Tel Kesalon
- Tel Kinneret
- Tel Kisson
- Tel Lachish
- Tel Malqet and Tel Ro’eh
- Tel Maresha
- Tel Maresha (2)
- Tel Megiddo
- Tel Michmoret
- Tel Mor
- Tel Nes
- Tel Nissa
- Tel Par and Khirbet Ibtin
- Tel Rakkath
- Tel Rechov (Tell Rehov)
- Tel Regev
- Tel Rekhesh
- Tel Sarid (Tell Shadud)
- Tel Ser’a
- Tel Shalem
- Tel Shikmona
- Tel Shimron
- Tel Tanninim (“Crocodiles”)
- Tel Tsaf
- Tel Tzova
- Tel Yaaf and Rosh-Pinna
- Tel Yarmut
- Tel Yavne
- Tel Yizreel
- Tel Yokneam
- Tel Zemed, Saharon and Malluah
- Tel ‘Artal
- Tel ‘Erani
- Tel ‘Eton
- Temple Cave
- Temple Mount
- Temple Mount – Other sites
- test map
- The Crusaders
- The Empires in the history of Israel
- The Inn of the Good Samaritan
- The Lions’ Gate
- The Nabateans
- The shore of Dor – Tantura
- The Tel (Mound)
- Tiberias
- Tiberias – South Gate
- Tiberias – Theater
- Tibneh – ancient Timna
- Timeline
- Timna – ancient copper mines
- Tombs of Bnei Hezir
- Tomb of King David, Mount Zion
- Tomb of Zechariah
- Tower of David, Jerusalem
- Travel Links
- Trees of the Holy Land
- Tribes of Israel – Galilee